Thursday, 12 May 2011

Teachers: where would we be without the hypocrisy of them???

Ok, so we are now  1 week (and a bit) from our exams and yet the teachers still haven't handed out our exam time tables... oh, yes, but wait. They expect us to be in the middle of revision. Except we don't know when to revise what. Because we haven't got our timetables.... and so it goes on. Every. Single. Lesson. And we remind them. Every. Single. Lesson. Which probably really winds them up, but hey, we can't do anything until they give us the dates!

But teachers would be all right if they weren't so hypocritical the rest of the year as well. Our German teacher will say, You handed your prep in late. Detention mark! and then a week later, I'm sorry, I still haven't got round to marking your oral presentations for the oral tomorrow which is really important for your grade and will seriously affect you practice for your GCSE. I'll give it back to your next week. (BUT THE BLINKIN' TEST IS TOMORROW!! What do you expect us to do? Make it up on the spot??)

Then there is the detention mark for being late, whilst they turn up ten minutes late on a regular basis with a mug of coffee and a mound of biscuits because they were stuck in a staff meeting and couldn't get their dose of caffine... meanwhile, we manage 10 hours without the stuff and ignoring the occasional girl who falls asleep in double Physics we don't have a mental failure!

I could come up with a massive list in the ways teachers are hypocrits but I would probably bore you to death more than my English teacher does when he drones on about Keats, which he does far too frequently (and I like English as a general rule!). But I will say this.

As much as they annoy me, bore me, drive me to tears, and frustrate me in their hypocrisy, they also can be great for a laugh, inspire so much in someone, strive to help them find their way and are there whenever you need a hand with something that you don't understand. They may disobey every school rule and make your life hell at times but they do it because they're no more perfect than you or me.

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