... i.e. I had no choice but to keep watching.
5. Bride Wars
It was fine. That's pretty much all I could find to say about it.
Honestly it's fairly dire but there you go. There are a couple of funny scenes, a lot of painful ones but if you like something fluffy with zero originality to it and a really cheesy ending, then it's the perfect film for you...
4. Wills and Kate - true movie
This is so bad it's laughable. 1. the English do not generally live in timberframe houses in the middle of Scotland, play football in their spare time, wear golfing jumpers or speak in posh accents. 2. which part of this was true??
3. The King's Speech
Everyone raved about this film and said it was brilliant, beautiful and properly British but if you ask me it was bloody awful. I mean, the entire film is dark, Colin Firth was playing Colin Firth (i.e. Mr. Darcy, Mark Darcy, Geoffrey in St. Trinians) and his 'stutter' just drove me crazy, nothing happened for most of the film and after the first fifteen minutes I wanted to walk out of the cinema!
The only good comments I have are that Helena Bonham Carter should have got the Oscar not Colin Firth and Ramona Marquez (played Princess Elizabeth and Karen on the TV show Outnumbered) was so adorable I actually bothered to watch her scenes.
2. The Day after Tomorrow
Please never ever ever make me sit through this film again. It's laughable terrible, especially the bit where they burn the books in the library, even though they are surrounded by wooden chairs and tables which probably would have worked better. And the fact that Jake Gyllenhull is chased down a street by the cold is also pretty amusing.
1. Father of the Bride (1 or 2)
I was told this film was 'hilerious'... five minutes in and I was bored... half and hour in and I wanted to shoot myself. Believe me when I say that there is nothing funny about either film. Then again I do find most films with Steve Martin in annoying so maybe that's just me... even so, if I ever have to sit in front of either film again, I might honestly shoot myself.
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